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Whether we are your first introduction to yoga or you are joining us on a path you’ve already begun, we are thrilled you have chosen to join us.  Keep It Simple Yoga provides a welcoming, safe environment for you to find a connection with yourself and grow on and off the mat. Keep It Simple Yoga aspires to be every person’s yoga studio. Our quest is to promote health and well being by making yoga more accessible to the community. We aim to create an all inclusive environment where every woman, man and children young or old, feels free and comfortable to work on themselves, inside and out.



We strive to create a nourishing environment for you to create a positive connection with your body. It can sometimes be a challenge to accept ourselves fully, we aim to empower you to accept yourself as you are. We pride ourselves on working with you, teaching with integrity every time you come on to your mat. Our goal is to help you realize yoga is accessible to everyone, man, woman, child young or old. You can do it – we will help!



Yoga translates as yoke or union. A regular yoga practice begins to build this mind body connection. Yoga can help you cultivate the art of listening inwardly for guidance. Finding this union through a regular practice, you will feel balanced and strong in mind and body. Our instructors will lead you safely and mindfully towards your goals.



Keep It Simple Yoga aims to be a staple in the community of Arbutus, MD.  We plan to build and grow with the neighborhood, always staying inclusive; our doors are open to all, no matter your age, gender or beliefs.  We strive to make a commitment to help build the community on and off our mats. Welcome to the studio!  


Want to know what to expect if it's your first class? Visit our FAQ's

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